Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to both Southern Cross Insurance Services Limited (‘Southern Cross’) and Chubb Life Insurance New Zealand Limited (Chubb Life).

Information collected through the application pages of will be supplied directly to Chubb Life, and will not be held by Southern Cross.

Any personal information you provide to Chubb Life will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with this privacy notice and the privacy policies that apply to Chubb Life. If you would like more information, have any questions about Chubb Life’s privacy practices or want to access your personal information held by Chubb Life, please contact Chubb Life directly. If there is any inconsistency between this privacy statement and Chubb Life’s privacy policies, this privacy statement will take precedence.

Chubb Life may disclose information you provide, and any other information collected by Chubb Life as underwriter of the insurance policies, to Southern Cross (and its related entities within the Southern Cross group) for the purpose of allowing the Southern Cross entities to market their products and services to you, as well as to validate discounts relating to any relevant Southern Cross health insurance membership. However, in no circumstances will Chubb Life disclose any of your personal health information to Southern Cross (or its related entities).

Southern Cross will not disclose any personal health information it holds about you regarding your Southern Cross health insurance to Chubb Life unless Chubb Life has a specific written or recorded authorisation from you.